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What else has Cambridge Analytica been up to? Paranoid thoughts on psyops and culture wars.

So, now we know. We’ve all been giving away valuable data about our most personal thoughts and habits to GoogleBook, all for the right to share cat videos.   We used to talk about selling our souls to the devil, but now we give them away, for nothing. Data mining began harmlessly enough,  developing those … Continue reading

Steven Pinker is the original Centrist Dad, but he’s not wrong.

Once a year, around Christmas, I usually write a column about how things are really not as bad as we think they are. I cite many of the socio-economic trends identified by Steven Pinker in his defence of progress, “Enlightenment Now”. World poverty halved a lot faster than we expected back in 2005 when Make … Continue reading

Continuity isn’t just nationalist trouble-making. But it could lead to the Break up of Britain.

BREXIT, the story so far: In December, a spanner was thrown into the works when the Irish Government, and Northern Irish MPs, won a guarantee that there would be no hard border in Ireland. This was a blow to Tory MPs hoping for a hard or “clean” Brexit because the UK Government also had to … Continue reading

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